Today's post is not about words.
Words cannot be what the world around us really is.
We can come close and that's it.
So dear reader, today let's not even try.
Let us simply
Sink into
The majesty
The inexpressible beauty that IS

This glorious sunrise was witnessed and photographed recently by a friend, Toby Rao. In his words, "The photo is from Tidal basin, Washington DC, featuring Cherry
Blossoms. It is a very unique vantage point from where the shot was
taken. You can see the Capitol building dome as well as the Jefferson
Thanks for visiting dear reader, do leave me a comment and I shall be grateful. Come back day after day and I shall love you for it :)

This is one beautiful capture by your friend. The morning sun breaking open the wrapping of the sky and spreading the warmth is so pretty.
Loved the absolute precision of this click. Lovely that you shared.
- Kripali
(AJ's wHooligans)
This looks breathtakingly brilliant.... awesome capture
Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
Smile, it makes (y)our day!
The sunrise really looks magnificent. Wonderful capture :)
wooow tht phtograph seemed more like a painting...
Wow ! awesome ! lost in the pic ! appreciate the photographer, and thanks for sharing !
Wow ! awesome ! lost in the pic ! appreciate the photographer, and thanks for sharing !
These are really awesome clicks!!! Beautiful.... Nature and its magic - there is so much to see!
Very rightly said and the picture says it all...
Panting through your words...beautiful
N for Nauseated-Random Thoughts Naba
Thanks dear friends bloggers and non-bloggers, for visiting, enjoying my offering today and leaving behind words of appreciation :)
The photo is from Tidal basin, Washington DC, featuring Cherry Blossoms. It is a very unique vantage point from where the shot was taken. You can see the Capitol building dome as well as the Jefferson memorial. Appreciate the nice comments!
Yes, in front of such beauty all words are useless and meaningless. Beautiful shots by your friend. Thanks for sharing.
Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal
A glorious start of the day....lovely click
Thanks for the pic and your explanation of where u took it Tobster :)
The beauty that IS .... Wonderful words , and wonderful moment captured, to be grateful and happy in that exact moment ...:-)
such a beautiful capture <3 it gives me some kind of peace and content, that i am failing to put in words!
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