The ground beneath our feet. Exactly the portion that our feet fall upon. How much thought have we given it?
I can hear a chuckle :D
Who has the time, I hear you say, to think of such nonsense :)
My theme for the alphabet G is Grounding ourselves. Physically, emotionally, mentally.
I have this disorder which always makes me want to work with EVERY layer, each dimension there is- in us and in everything.

Looking at the other side, from an adult- read boring and practical, perspective though, how would we manage life as we know it, if we couldn't stand strong and sturdy, our feet on the ground....
Standing on our feet- having placed them slightly apart(in line with the hip joints), gives us a strong stance and protects the hip and pelvic region, giving us a wonderfully confident posture.
While practicing asanas, as also sitting and standing- whatever portion of our bodies touches the ground/mat, we need to push gently towards the ground- drawing the rest of the body upwards towards the sky.
Thus there is a constant balance between the opposites of pull and push- earth and sky. Using gravity to push ourselves down, using the strength from this to build security and confidence in the asana/stance and the entire mind-body complex, at the same time stretching upwards towards the sky, we elevate ourselves as a whole.
Grounding exhales are a huge help to us when used at any time of the day, again benefiting us on each level. I have written about this earlier and the link is included here
A picture of the upper portion of the Nanjangud, Shiva temple, Mysore, taken by me on the 31st of March 2014. The temple seems to be pointing towards the sky- at the same time as it is firmly connected to the earth :)
Bye for today, see you tomorrow. Do leave me your precious comments and feedback.
Please check other blogs participating in the A to Z april blogging challenge as well. Here is the link
Wow.. that's a great post. Thanks a lot for sharing :)
Shalzzz|Loving Life
Check out my latest at TaleofTwoTomatoes
Wow... this was awesome Sunila!!!
Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
Smile, it makes (y)our day!
Love the way you use the great temple architecture of India to strengthen the very important point you are making here. Really well done! It is so important to remember to stay grounded as we try to reach upward for all our goals and ambitions. A great reminder, thanks Sunila!
Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal
Staying grounded is one of the key elements of a balanced life no? Another meaningful post!
Random Thoughts Naba
What a balance ! Kudos for linking this up with the philosophy of life !
Never thought of it this way. Grounding Sure helps us balance.
the comparision with the temple drove home the point....
the comparision with the temple drove home the point....
Another good one, Sunila. So true, and very typical of yoga poses like Tadasana. I love the philosophy angle too - staying well grounded while reaching for the sky. :) Super.
Yes, A nice post.. Breathing is another thing we do without really noticing it.. Remaining grounded -mentally and physically are very essential for life. Thanks for the other tips...
Therefore, It's been rightly said that flow with the current but remain grounded like a rock...lovely post
Excellent advice and I do try to follow that as much as possible. The Temple illustrates your point very well. ☺
I understand the concept of ground but we all have to not to burning the candle at both ends.
Stop in from A to Z challenge
This is quite wonderful, I understand being grounded as being humble. When our feet our firmly on the ground we can really gauge how tall we can grow.
The 2 AM Writer
Thanks Shallzzz :)
Sri u always have lovely things to say, tks :)
Beloo tks for reading and receiving as intended :)
Naba thats so true.
Sreeja , tks dear
True Inder.
Thanks Meena :)
Ovengoodies, tks and ur so right Tadasana is one of the most grounding postures,love it.
Jayanta Thank you :)
Shellymona, that line is v apt :)
Thank you Debbie :)
Dora, right, tks :)
Maggie so right and if we cant grow roots we cant get very tall same as a sturdy tree :)
Just came from yoga, and this was a perfect post for me to read. You are my new secret mentor Sunila!! Learning so much from your theme - just amazing. Thanks! Grounding yes, in many meanings of the word:-)
Interesting concepts. Thank you for sharing. New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" and I look forward to visiting again.
Hello Sunila!
Interesting concepts on your blog and I love the idea about "grounding" as I find I have to do this when I become depleted emotionally and physically. Thank you! Mary, a member of #teamDamyanti, aka ViolaFury. On Twitter as ViolaFury.
well written ! beautiful post, thanks !
well written ! beautiful post, thanks !
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