According to yogic tradition there are infinite energy centers in our body, the most important ones being the seven well known chakras starting at the tail bone and ending at the crown of the head. They serve as junction points between our body and consciousness.
These spinning vortices, each specialises in a different aspect of our mental, physical and emotional experience.
The seven biggies are:
1. Muladhara- Root of spine- Associated with security when balanced.
2. Svadhishthana- Sacral-blocks can lead to issues with initimacy to put it simply.
3. Manipura- Navel- Seat of confidence and personal strength.
4. Anahata- Heart- Emotions, compassion are all in a balance when this region is in free-flow.
5. Vishuddhi- Throat- Seat of ease in communication, emotion.
6. Ajna- Brow- Seat of determination
7. Sahasrara- Crown- Connetion of the self with the Greater self.
I have tried to give a little peek into each, there is much more of course
Interestingly when these energy centers are blocked we suffer consequences of not being at ease ie. dis-ease.
This could manifest as a simple headache, problems with intimacy, lack of confidence, emotional problems, Throat issues, lack of willpower, lack of connection with oneself to name a few.
The issues could range from physical to the mental-emotional to the esoteric.
There are fairly easy ways of unblocking them and allowing energy to flow along peacefully- starting from asana postures, various breath practices of Praanayam and finally chakra- meditation which I personally find the easiest and the best. Simply put this is being aware of the breath flowing in and out of us and at the same time placing a gentle focus on each chakra starting from the base chakra, travelling upwards to the crown chakra and then returning to the base having stayed with every chakra on the way.

The picture shows the chakra positions along with associated colours and Beeja mantras, the sacred sounds associated with the energy centers.
What strikes me most is that our body contains every healing mechanism within itself, we just need to use it to our benefit. Love you all for reading and leaving behind loving comments. Keep returning :)
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Day by day I feel like I am back in my Yoga Kendra and my master is teaching me all these. Nostalgic yet enjoying your posts!
Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
Smile, it makes (y)our day!
Yet another informative post on health and wellness. Agree with Sri :-).
Really nicely done. You have taken such a complex topic and explained it so simply. Very helpful indeed. I like your description of chakras as junction points between body and consciousness.
This is something I had read about and I find it intriguing really...Nice post on C really :)
So helpful! Thanks again for this great post!
never iamgined that these chakras can affect emtional n intimacy issues!
Now I am curious to know more about Chakras and work on freeing the energy flow.
I wonder at the science behind Yoga !They say the Indian sages taught yoga to the world. I m just amazed at their depth of knowledge :)
A wonderful read on Chakras !
I had heard about the 7 chakras in our body but I did not know their position and what power they have on our physical and mental well-being. Thank you for sharing :)
Sri, u make me smile, what a sweet comment :)Tks
Tks Sreeja , it is amazing yes :)
Kent, do read up on this I'm sure u will love it.Tks
Tks Jayanta :)
Beloo tks for a thoughtful comment, all of u make my day shine brighter.
Aditi tks a ton.
Mina tks. I've only touched the epidermis of it, there is everything to be gained and freed up with chakra work and v simple ways for us worldy ppl to do this.
Tks Naba, It is intriguing truly :)
Could migraines also be caused by blocked chakras? my husband suffers from terrible migraines. Kindly tell me if there is any way to cure those.
Was very helpful...
Thanks for the enlightenment on the Chakras.
It's very informative...I'll book mark this for extensive read. Thanks for sharing.
Another post I must send to my husband. He loves the concept of chakras and keeps hinting that my chakras are not aligned and hence I suffer from health issues. Either that or I am just plain lazy to take care of myself ;)
Lovely exposition, Sunila :)
Tks Gauri, yes migraines can be cured with a mix of pure ayurveda and yoga,I,ll message u abt this.
Tk u Shelly :)
Shailaja, Tks a ton, chakra work helps with all issues, why not give it a try.
Paddu tks dear friend :)
Sheetal Tks :)
Might have to collect all your posts - to keep:-) learning something new every day, and of a theme that really interests me:-)You present it so well- thanks for sharing
Yogas and chakras as well as reiki are good for chakras. It does work and I must get back to my yoga.
You are boosting me.
Health and Happiness Always.
...great knack of rendering complex topics simple .nice one suni.
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