My post is about Moringa oleifera, popularly known as the Drumstick tree in India and how it can contribute to well-being.
By some quirk of fate I landed on this topic after sifting through a few others, a close second on my list being Money and our relationship to it :)
What I read about the tree was astounding.
A regular person should not need any multi-vitamin supplements at all if one uses the tree and its offerings on a regular basis.If your doctor has prescribed them then, oh well!
It is a herbaceous plant grown for its greens, flowers and its mineral-rich pods.
Its health benefits are what we will talk of today :)
Many a sambar has been made more delightful with succulent pieces of drumstick. There are delightfully nourishing recipes for its pods, leaves and flowers which many of you may know of, already. If not there's the google with its impressive omniscience.
I'm certain quite a few of us have at some time eaten these with relish and we have hitherto vaguely known that there were benefits to be had.
Without going into percentages and numbers let's cast a glance at what these benefits actually are.
1. It's leaves are a source of protein and dried leaves contain amino-acids. I cook the leaves like a dry stir fry with loads of garlic and seasoning, sometimes with potatoes or even with a sprinkling of dry-roasted peanut powder (coarse)
2. Fresh pods and seeds are a good source of Oleic acid, a beneficial mono-unsaturated fat. I cook up the pods along with lentils into a sambar or as a gravy with a tomato,onion,ginger,garlic base.
3. Fresh leaves are a rich source of vitamin A. I am at the moment trying to find some sort of a perennial source of tender fresh leaves so I can cook them once or twice a week at least, in the hope of benefiting my little one's eyes which have a minor birth issue.
4. Fresh pods and leaves are a source of Vitamin C. And we are not done yet there's more.
5. Leaves and pods again contain many vital B complex vitamins.
6. Furthermore its leaves are a fabulous source of minerals like calcium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, and magnesium. :)
As I finish this post I find that I am starting to like drumsticks and its leaves/flowers even more than I did. What's not to like with all that impressive goodness.

Thanks for visiting dear reader, do leave me a comment and I shall love you for it :)
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We had a tree at home...and my in laws find a way to cook it every week. I somehow didn't fancy it much, but everybody at home does. Now I will certainly be more receptive, having read all this! Thanks.
I love drumsticks... Didn't know that the whole tree is so useful.
I love the sambar, and used to make often, its been a long time since I brought drum stick home. Thanks for reminding me, and also enlightening me the benefits !appreciate you for sharing !
In my area I see the tree growing in almost every home which has even a itsy-bitsy piece of yard to plant a tree. Or sometimes they even plant just outside the house on the street corner. I have cooked drumstick leaves on occasion, but am now inspired to make it a regular part of my weekly cooking. I may even plant a small tree to get regular supply of leaves :) Thanks Sunila for another very informative post. And for sharing some recipes too :)
Beauty Interprets, Expresses, Manifests the Eternal
I never liked drumbsticks when I was I was a child..But I now i kind of do...
M for Motherly-Random Thoughts Naba
Oh, I love drumsticks and this is one of the few veggies that my husband and I like. :)
Wow! I was not aware of so many benefits from drumsticks. Now will share this with family and get into vegetables regularly :-). Thanks.
Thank you for this informative post... I love drumstick. It is a regular on my menu.
drumsticks were and are my favourites!! whenever its sambar was made, i used to get most of the drumsticks in it as others at home dont like it much! little did i know it was so good!
a-z participant
We had this tree in our kitchen garden in India....yeah the pods and buds and the drumsticks... I like them a lot...informative post
There is a delicious crisp Adai recipe, using drumstick leaves. It is simply divine. You must try it!
This recipe is good. Try it!
~Shailaja's latest A~Z post
I had this in back of my house which I rented during my college days!! I love drumsticks a lot!
Participant|AtoZ Challenge 2014
Smile, it makes (y)our day!
Sambar is really not my favorite other than with idli n dosa...Never knew so many vitamins and minerals were available in this tree!
Never knew so many health benefits of drumsticks. We used it only in Sambhar! Thanks for sharing and you must share about Money and relationships too... (may be W for Wealth) :D
Thanks from the bottom of my heart for all the comments you have left dear readers :)
Back home in kerala, there was a drumstick tree in the backyard! But today we struggle to get fresh leaves.....
Oh, so many things I didn't know! So enjoyed this read today:-) Thanks :-)
THis pic reminds me of the drumstick tree at my thatha's house is Mysore, down to the window right next to it! What I remember the most about it though was the kambali-hula (the black caterpillars) that would form a rug on their branches! Akki rotti with the leaves are to die for, btw. Love the different topics you have been choosing. Keep rocking!
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