I chose the A to Z blog challenge not knowing what it would entail as this was my first ever blog challenge. I thought it would give me a welcome break from writing fiction, actually my debut e-novella, which I need to rework, give a boost to my blog which I began in 2006 when my little one was born and teach me more about blogging.
What I had not realised is that not only would I find myself part of a large worldwide group that was taking part in the same challenge but part of a cosy, approximately 50 strong group of fantastic bloggers.
This group became a haven and a place to go to for any doubts-questions, guidance, rants and raves, information, for sympathy and empathy and for heart-warming group hugs and general camraderie.
I had written about two posts in advance and chalked out daily topics. Once the challenge began and my Yoga and well-being theme unfurled, I felt I was astride a fast galloping steed which I could not get off. All I could do was to hang on and enjoy the ride.
And enjoy the ride I did.
I enjoyed flitting from blog to blog, alighting on posts, reading, commenting and awaiting comments and replying on my own posts.
The writing process itself was like diving deep within myself and re-surfacing with words that went onto the daily posts. My theme being my passion, well one of them- Yoga and well-being, it was a joy to put snippets together and put them out there for some wonderful people to turn up and connect with them.
Into week two and I was this paradox alive, writing out little peeks into what I thought and had learned about yoga and well-being on the one hand and on the other, stressing about not managing to read and comment on all the blog posts. Also squirming from wanting to do all the things I usually do with the lil one in her summer-vacation.
Common sense kicked in and I relaxed and did what I could, leaving a lot of reading and commenting for the rest of the year.
New blogger friends made, blogger-minds admired, new things learned and shared and the ride was over as fast as it had begun. Sympatico-souls and fellow bloggers were immensely encouraging with their daily visits and comments.
Time again to let go-align- ground and exhale.Before yet another spate of writing. The e-novella beckons :)

1 comment:
Good reaading
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