My heart and mind is totally filled with my 6 and a half month old baby girl -Garima!All the cliches about motherhood suddenly seem true :0) She is a happy baby who has learnt recently that she can show her dislike to something by stiffening her body into a st: line and going red in the face.I find that sweet and funny.my ramblings will be mainly about her. Right now she is atop her change table gurgling and blowing bubbles and giggling when her dad tickles her.
I had her 9 days prior to the due date and my husband missed it by 2 days as he was in India .Anyway babies and time wait for no one and move when they have to.She came to the world on May 2nd 4.08 am and has filled me up with every good feeling .Strangely I already wonder about how to keep her safe from the many downfalls of 'civilized society".
The first few months were feed,sleep,feed and sleepless nights for us.As she took on month after month she got communicative,playful and is quite good company even now.
While crying she looks out of the corner of her eyes at us(husband,me or my mum) to check if she is having the desired effect on us,which keeps us laughing amongst other things.
Her name Garima,means in Hindi -honour,joy,pride and in Sanskrit its the power of a yogi to make him/herself heavier,opposite of Laghima,in which the said yogi can become lighter.
She sits up with support and has begun various cooked and pureed solids since a month.A special highlight for us is that she turned over from lying on her back to lying on her tum,all by herself yesterday -21st nov at 3.16 noon.
I will stop for now as I am feeling like a very besotted first time mum who can write pages on end about Garima.
its a nice read about garima. shows that u r really not ready to think about anything outside her. keep writing and i might see light on some things i dont know. luv u
Nice one, Su! Congrats on G turning over! Thats a major milestone! :)
its so nice to know about your baby.
and what a lovely name. - garima ! i love her name too. also she looks so cute , and look at her thoughtful face, what she is thinking so deeply in this early age? :)
lovely post about Garima.
Thanks Satish.
Hey Vaans,any day now M will turn over .
Thanks dear Pooja,ha ha yes she does look thoughtful doesnt she!She would be thinking abt what to thrust into her mouth next ,thats it!
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